Sorry for the brief seems to be getting in the way with my blogging. Throw the family in and I can't get anything written. shall be a day of multiple posts....or at least this one!
It's been a busy work week full of inspiration of the gifting kind. Not that I'm not busy at work or anything like that, I just seem to stumble across things randomly. And here are a few of the "random" findings I think could possibly make fantastic Secret Santa gifts if you are participating at work!!
Our first wonderful gift idea was generated by my friend Caz. He has two favorite words, one being priapism (you can look that up) and the other bezoar! (Just an FYI: one of mine is piloerection!)
A clump or wad of swallowed food and/or hair. Bezoars can sometimes be found to cause blockage of the digestive system, especially at the exit of the stomach.
When a bezoar is composed of hair, it is referred to as a hairball or trichobezoar. When a bezoar is composed of vegetable materials, it is referred to as a phytobezoar or foodball. When a bezoar is composed of hair and food it is referred to as a trichophytobezoar or hairy foodball.
Pretty disgusting, huh? Well....what is really cool is when these things get old inside certain animals, they can become coated and end up looking like rocks! Caz is such a great friend, I told him that I would get him one for Christmas....all the while thinking, "If anything, they would be on EBay, but who the hell would want to sell anything like that?" Well....apparently lots of people want to sell bezoars and petrified mermaids and lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!
It's a llama bezoar....
Country of Origin: Plurinational State of Bolivia. Size (maximum by minimum): 0.96 cm. by 0.80 cm. Color: As in photos. Shape: A tight polyhedron cluster of lage-sized balls. Physical Appearance: A solid black cluster of blistered, matt, intact balls. This is a really beautiful specimen.
Let's just say that the last thing I want to display in my house is a cluster of blistered, matt, intact balls.... |
Betcha can't guess what this is?? No, really, you will NEVER guess....
Elephant Semen Pearl
These are rare Elephant semen pearls and could be a fossilised form of the semen, nevertheless, they are indeed a valuable occultist tool. Most Indonesian shamans use these for empowering love potions. They can be kept in pure aromatic oils to transfer energy from the pearl into the oils, this oil can then be worn on the user to increase their personal magnetism which will give the user a strong magnetic force for attracting the opposite sex.
If used in the creation of Love potions we recommend further empowering these with a specific mantra to increase the power of your potions. These types of pearls are good for Attraction/Enchanting powers for attracting the opposite sex, attracting ones soul mate and attracting those one desires.
Yours for only $2084.57....all I'm saying is that if a guy drops this in his front pocket, it's sure to attract a few glances!! "Is that elephant semen in your pocket or are you happy to see me?"
I know you think this is crazy, but it really is a mermaid fossil. Seriously, it is. See the tail??
It has the following Magical Virtues:
Powers of Attraction/Enchantment, Youth & Beauty, Powers of influence, Occult/Magickal Powers, Healing, Longevity & Regeneration, Personal Magnetism, Charismatic Presence, Attracts Love, Attracts Luck, Business Success, Improves Social Standings, Wards of Psychic Attacks and Black Magick.
My only question is if it really works on psychics? I mean, really, wouldn't a psychic know if I had a mermaid....duh, they are psychic. And why attack me if I have said mermaid??? Yours for only $3207.02. (Yes, people spend money on this crap!)
Oh, yes I did!! That's right....a real dragon....I shit you not!! Check this description out!!
Complete Crystal Dragon Fossil: This one is extremely large, heavy and defined. It is a complete form of the ancient dragon from head to tail. Key features of the face, such as the eyes, horns and mouth are clearly visible.
Words cannot express the beauty of this object, and therefore we strongly recommend that serious buyers visit us directly for this one. Although we can ship this large fossil, a transaction this large requires personal viewing. We suggest interested parties to submit these pictures to independent psychics for your own personal verification.
Serious buyers can negotiate with us directly, if the price is acceptable we will release this one of a kind to the lucky individual. We have set the first offer price at
This is 100% crystal fossil of ancient dragon!
Um, yep....there was no price, it's priceless!! Priceless!! And, yes, I will be verifying it with my own psychic before I spend $192,421.46!
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