Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Missed Connections....So Much Love

One of my favorite things to do online is peruse the 'Missed Connections' link on (Make sure you go to dot org, not dot com....unless you want to see naked people performing sexual acts.) This funny little link has men and women looking for random people they've spotted around town. You can find men looking for women, women looking for men, men for men, women for women, etc.
I started reading the 'Missed Connections' after I heard a local radio station present some real winners on air. Then a friend, Ydnarb, said that she read them we would read them at work. They get really good during holidays, when traffic increases, thus presenting higher odds of making that (Missed) connection.
Anyway....I thought I'd post a few....just in case you happen to be in the area and this may just be you.

Missing you - m4w - 47 (Eastside)

Date: 2011-11-08, 1:28AM EST
Reply to:

I know you don't go on craigslist and will probably never see this, but I had to say how I feel. I know I screwed things up and I let my foolish pride get in the way. I'm sorry for the things I said and did. I'm sorry I don't have my license or my own vehcle and I don't have as much ambition as you. I know I'm not perfect and I know there are things I need to work on. I also know that we will never be, but I also know I miss you and love you and always will. You said I still owe you a huge apology well here it is. If you see this you know who you are and who I am. I love you hun.

Hmmmm....where to start. This guy, wow, he has mad pride. No job, no vehicle and no ambition. That takes a lot of pride to admit that. The one thing he has is LOVE. And all you need is love, right? I hope this guy gets the girl....I really do, otherwise he may not get anywhere in life....literally!

i didnt get your name - m4w

Date: 2011-11-02, 11:26PM EDT
Reply to:

Well iam looking for a girl that i seen in a store on ceder st. In lansing we made eye contact alot and i dont no if u felt like there was anything there if u read this tell me what i was wereing and ill tell u something about u and also what store were we in i hope u read this hope to here from u soon

Again....where to start. First....runonsentencemuch???? Second....Honey, Cedar Street is how many MILES long? And there are lots and lots of stores. I guess what makes this post special is that they made eye contact? WOW!! AMAZEBALLS!! That narrows it down to like, what, a few thousand people in a few hundred stores on a few mile long road. Odds are good for you, buddy!! I also love the "what i was wereing...." Shall I go on???

South Lansing KFC - m4m - 22 (Cedar/American Rd)

Date: 2011-11-01, 1:52PM EDT
Reply to:

I feel weird posting here, but figured it was worth a shot. You work at the KFC on the corner of Cedar and American. You're very cute. Every time I come through the drive through, we always share a lot of eye contact and smiles (more than usual). You seem like a nice guy, and are really cute, so if you happen to see this, let me know what kind of car I drive or what I order (same thing every time).
Apparently you make eye contact and it's lurve!!! Or maybe it's the KFC big bowl of fat topped with bacon that's getting everyone fired up??

Little Girls Pointing & Laughing - m4w - 22

Date: 2011-10-29, 5:22PM EDT
Reply to:

Perplexed, confused, tormented, unable to let go. I can shake any drug or negative comment, but not you. Why for f***s sake? How can there be so much power and crazy desire on one end and absolute zero at the other? How does this happen? Party Party Party but where do the kids go from here? Is there more or is it all just about F******? The forward and backward motions, is that it? Maybe its the novelty but what about passion? Gone I guess..Made cliche by the "cool" people...It seems that if a couple don't fit perfectly right away these days then no one even wants to try anymore. Wandering in a field of razor wire with devastation and empty souls shoveling nothingness all over themselves. Crying, screaming, clawing in the depths of desperation. I too am here, but for how long?

It still exists, but its hurting and fading, praying to be experienced and vain & alone ever since..........
WOW....I'm depressed now. And why is the end of the escape scene in "Shawshank" the visual I get here?

white girl in booty-shorts at the EXXON playing KENO - m4w - 22 (Cobb Pkwy/accross walmart)

Date: 2011-11-08, 10:52PM EST
Reply to:

hey girl you came in while I was playing KENO yesterday evenings at the EXXON gas station and you wear wearing small/tight booty-shorts and your sexy ass EDIT! i wanted to talk to you but i was just stunned by your hotness and thn i had to leave and you left soon before me..! i smelled some alcohol on youu while you were playing KENO next to were HOTT and i would like to $how you a good time ;) email me ASAP!

im 6'1 150lbs/American-Asian

It was around 8:45-9:00pm (Nov 7th).... email me NOW!!!
Damn, I can't go anywhere anymore.....

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